SAP2CADxpress – SAP Variant-Management with seamless 3D-Visualization and CAD-Integration

Your Key-Technology for success. In a dynamic and competitive business landscape, the ability to quickly and accurately configure customer-specific products is a decisive competitive advantage. With SAP2CADxpress, companies now have the opportunity to combine SAP’s powerful variant configuration with advanced 3D visualization and seamless CAD integration. This revolutionizes the way products are designed, configured, and […] Continue reading

IMAP Release 8.0 is Now Available

The new Release 8.0 of the IMAP integration platform is now available and is currently being rolled out to our customers. The new IMAP-Validate module ensures that data from source systems can be checked and validated for consistency before being posted in the target system. A new connector for the M-Files document management system is […] Continue reading

Use of IMAP/EB at Südzucker

Südzucker is one of the largest food manufacturers in Europe and a global leader in sugar production. The company is headquartered in Mannheim, Germany, and operates in more than 30 countries. In addition to sugar products, Südzucker is also active in the areas of specialties, fruit, starch, and frozen products. With a long tradition and […] Continue reading

New Customer Acquisition: it-motive AG Welcomes Honeywell as a New Customer in the IMAP Sector

  Honeywell is a global technology and manufacturing company that specializes in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, building and industrial systems, performance materials and technologies, as well as safety and productivity. With a history spanning over 100 years and a presence in more than 70 countries, Honeywell is known for its innovation and […] Continue reading

Automatic generation of CAD data with the SAP variant configurator

Our experts in SAP variant management and CAD present an interesting application case with a showcase. They generate CAD for configurations directly from SAP LO-VC. Models and drawings can be displayed directly on the SAP GUI. Furthermore, the documents can be transferred directly into PLM systems using our tools. This use case is particularly interesting […] Continue reading

The award ceremony of the German Innovation Awards 2024 took place at the Futurium Berlin.

Our product configurator, INKAS CPQ+, was honored as the winner in the category “Excellence in Business to Business: Information Technologies” on May 14, 2024. The jury of the German Innovation Awards recognizes projects as winners that advance their respective industries through originality, implementation, and effectiveness. Sustainability concerns us all. Engaging in sustainable practices and convincing […] Continue reading

it-motive wins the German Innovation Award 2024 for INKAS CPQ+, the product configurator for more sustainability.

The award-winning product configurator secures the award in the category “Excellence in Business to Business: Information Technologies” thanks to features for more sustainable configurations. The award ceremony took place on May 14, 2024, at Futurium Berlin. Sustainability is a topic that concerns everyone. Acting sustainably oneself and also encouraging one’s own customers to do so […] Continue reading

New features in the itmVIS module

The module itmVIS has evolved into a tool for the easy three-dimensional representation of objects through the further development of the CAD team at it-motive. The introduction of new, innovative tools provides users with additional possibilities for object representation. This features are new.   The Turntable: With the “Turntable,” the 3D object now appears from […] Continue reading

Green Product Awards 2024 – We have been nominated!

For the 11th edition of the Green Product Award, over 1500 participants from 60 countries applied. After evaluation based on the criteria of design, innovation, and sustainability, the best submissions were nominated. INKAS CPQ+ is one of the nominees in the category of the working environment.   Since 2013, the Green Product Award has been […] Continue reading

Success for it-motive AG at the German Design Award in Frankfurt

  it-motive AG celebrated its success at the renowned German Design Award presented by the German Design Council last weekend at KAP Europa in Frankfurt. The event provided an impressive platform for outstanding design achievements and creative innovations across various industries. The festive atmosphere at KAP Europa was marked by the presence of distinguished guests, […] Continue reading